VeteransPlus programs were designed by Veterans and are delivered by Veterans to provide practical financial solutions geared to real life circumstances of current and former military personnel. Our counselors and educators have been where you are and they are dedicated to your success. In the often confusing atmosphere of stressful financial situations, our Veteran counselors can help break down communication barriers that might exist when Veterans discuss personal finances with non Veterans. Upon request, VeteransPlus will substitute spouses and/or family of Veterans to support all situations. All counselors possess the necessary empathy to discuss real life experience with other Veterans and family members from their shared perspective.
VeteransPlus has three programs that deliver financial education and literacy:

One on One Personalized Phone Coaching:
VeteransPlus works directly with veterans and active military members and their families over the phone with a personal touch. We stand ready to provide in depth understanding and new goals based on your personal situation. Whether you have attended an outreach event and require more help or you are calling for the first time, VeteransPlus can work with you to resolve most circumstances and look toward the future. Additionally, we work in partnership with other military and veteran focused nonprofits through the Coordinated Assistance Network to support the mission’s of our partners and meet the needs of our client’s. When heroes reach out to nonprofit organizations for financial aid, our counselors step-in to provide financial assessments, education and follow-up coaching to ensure recovery and lasting positive outcomes.

Pro-Bono Financial Planning Advice:
VeteransPlus is pleased to offer a new feature for those who are looking for pro-bono advice on investing their money and planning for their future/retirement. In partnership with the Foundation for Financial Planning, and at no-cost to our Heroes, VeteransPlus will now provide free financial planning with the help of certified financial planners. We understand that many Heroes find themselves with additional income and/or want to start a long term savings plan to ensure those funds are used in the best way possible. Whether it be a raise, inheritance, severance package, or through some other benefit, VeteransPlus is now equipped to help you save, invest, pay down debt, or some combination of those to best serve you and your family.

Military and Veterans Family Outreach:
Our outreach curriculum has been developed by financial experts and approved by DoD to specifically address financial issues related to each phase of military deployment cycles and reintegration into civilian life. We understand that solid pre-deployment financial preparation can make a big difference when you return home. We also understand the financial challenges families face when a member is deployed and the value of trusted financial coaching during reintegration. Outreach is conducted across the United States through financial workshops held at military installations or veteran events. Each workshop engages attendees with practical “Pen to Paper” exercises that will encourage all participants to understand the value of budgeting and financial literacy. Once participants leave the workshop with step-by-step action plans to help implement what they have learned, VeteransPlus counselors are available by phone to help refine financial goals and provide follow-up until those goals are achieved.